October 22, 2024

Social News Exchange

Everybody has a story to tell, let me tell yours.

South Cape Bitou Campus Protests

2 min read

From what I gathered today at South Cape Bitou campus there are a few reasons to why the learners are protesting.
The first video tells the protesters’ story. Their grievances are mostly about the lack of funds, and the lack of communication which led to a total breakdown of negotiations. The heartbreaking video tells stories about learners without food, toiletries or accommodation.

The second video is from the head of campus, Chumani Webber, who repeatedly explains it is a national problem and not a campus problem.

And last but not least video is a conversation between the SRC and protesters. There seems to be a complete breakdown of trust.
The protesters want all learners to receive funds before classes resume and the protesters were not exactly sure where they stood with the president of the student representative council. Under pressure she agreed lessons should not resume on Monday.

As I was leaving I had a chance to speak to Mr Chumani again, it was too radically windy to video record but he explained his concerns about all students.
If learners do not go back to class and resume classes they might not get any NSFAS funds but protesters are adamant they all must be paid. United they stand, divided they fall: ubuntu. What affects one will affect all but those who received money or are supported by their parents want to resume their studies. It is the way of the world.

This is where fees must fall becomes most relevant, equal opportunity and education for all.

Protesters want bursaries to come directly to the learners and not to the college because of the lack of trust and want auditors to review Bitou campus funds and explain exactly what is happening to the funds because there seem to be a lot of discrepancies. Please watch the videos for more on that.

This is however one of the last generations to suffer as more international universities are offering completely free tuition with lecturers from the best universities in the world.

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